Wednesday 16 December 2009

Been busy, will return to posts soon!

Damn this game sucks you in so much you forget about smaller things in life! Since i posted here last ive lvl'd a shammy upto lvl 80 and a DK to 74! But those guys have fallen to the wayside and my druid has once and finally become my main. I dps well and heal even better, or at least i think i do, and i have afew healer ideas that i want to share with the druid community, if they will have me which il post once ive wrote out.

Till then ttfn


Friday 1 May 2009

Blizz Writing Comp!

I entered the Blizzard Writing Comp last month, didnt win but i had so much fun writing it. But my collio guild officers have let me post it up on our main website!!!!! Viewable by anyone on the net so head over to Pride Of St George and have a read, let me know what you think.

One day i'll rewrite it all to be honest because it was abit rushed.

Anyway will try and make a healz naxx style blog soon!!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Duel Spec

Right so duel spec, 1,000 gold, worth every silver!! Ive gone resto and tank, 2 specs, 2 sets of glpyhs, and 2 sets of gear! Zero bag space but my goodness its awesome! I can switch in and out at only a cost of mana! Just fantastic and one of the best mechanics that blizz has implimented, already hybrid classes like the druid and paladins are on LFG with either tank and healer boxes ticked, also with the tank talents i can slot into dps roles easy too. Brilliant!

Well ive got my first massive healing role tonight, Naxx 10 guild run, i just hope i dont mess it up! :( i managed to heal through one of the hardest heroics, for a healing role that is, Violet Hold, no deaths, no wipes and a rogue on a power mission but i did it.

Unfortunatly my gear is quiet arse but working on my healing gear and any tanky stuff that drops if no-one wants il nab! hehe

Il do a Naxx Healing blog when i get the time.

Monday 20 April 2009

3.1 and some big changes.

So with Patch 3.1 came some big changes, one huge one is the duel talent spec! Now this is great (except for the cost!) It will allow me to tank (yay) and heal (yay!) having collected a great few items from heroics/normals my healz gear is huge now! At the momment i cant afford the duel talent spec so im going resto for abit until i can.

This way i can collect items/badges/cash towards outfitiing in a decent bear suit! Bear tanking is ridiculously hard at the moment, nobody in the game decides to use Crowd Control anymore meaning multi mob tanking, something druids have always been bad at, and unless i get better gear, so my swipe hits harder and i can retain aggro on all the mobs, then il go resto baby!

Looking forward to it now.


Tuesday 31 March 2009

Level 80!

At last, made it to the realms of level 80! The last 2 levels went pretty quick. And now I have a pretty ok tanking suit. It could do with some work but what couldn't?

So stats, here we go;

Dire Bear;
  • 27k HP Thats self buffed
  • 31k Armour Again self buffed
  • 31% Dodge
Not much more is there? Ha, we dont need def rating any more thanks to the new talent tree making us crit immune, hit is not much of an issue as far as im aware. According to afew tanky forums these stats are pretty close to the min's required for Naxx 10. So ive submitted my request to OT, if not im hoping to get a spot as dps which would be great, the badges are the important thing and any lucky drops.

I hope i get a chance to do some Naxx tanking, especialy before all the changes in patch 3.1! And Uldar! Because i know when that comes out il be back on my hunter exploring when i get the chance!

Well anyway I have had my first lvl 80 run tho, i did Normal Halls Of Lightning with a pug, went well, i was as melee cat dps but had to Bear up afew times on dodgey pulls, which i handled well, the usual picking up the mob, growl, lacerate, maul and mangle, the usual Bear pull.

Still wanting to hit a heroic, got 1 planned for tomorra night, so il see how it goes and report back!


Thursday 26 March 2009


I just found out that this enchant now proc's in bear and cat form!!! And its been like this awhile!

Makes my wondering what enchants to get that little bit easier! :)


Druid Tanking

Right, lvl 80 is looming and i cant find a lot on the net about druid tanking in Wrath. Big Bear Butt, all tho informative on most topics, is a bit confusing :( i guess I'll just have to play it by ear for a bit.

The LW Eviscerators gear is very good for for crafted items, i think having most of the set already will be a great boost for hitting some of the normal lvl 80 instances. The only thing is the amount of resilence on it, il have to swap it out quite quickly for a more useful stat.

With the changes to the Druid feral tree in wrath, and use tanks now getting all our crit immune from just one talent, defense rating is a totally unneeded stat. Agility and Stam seem to be the most useful followed by Hit and Expertise, and from what i can tell we wont need 2 sets of gear for feral, the DPS and Tanking sets will be pretty much the same, the only difference i can see would be what enchants we would put on them, for tanking stam enchants and dps agility.

I found the Emmerald has updated his BearGearList, this is not his final list but will give us a really good base to work from.

From what i can remember post Kara, bear tanking was all about feel, we have great abilitys, Charge , 15 second cool down, really useful, if you open with a charge/swipe combo on trash, you can pretty much guarantee that if you do lose aggro on an add and it storms off, charge will be of C/D and you would be able to pick it up quick. But if you have a good team they should be watching aggro and targeting the same mob you'll be spamming Lacerate on so aggro shouldn't be an issue.

If we stick to Raid Targeting and kill orders i think a combo of Lacerate, Swipe , Maul and Mangle should be suffice to hold onto aggro. And with our gear being very Agility based, we should be seeing some seriously good dps too, which cant be bad.

Im also liking the changes to swipe coming up in 3.1!!! No more 'cone' range on it, means not having to 'round' up all the mobs so that they are in front of us to be hit, MINT!

So when the big day arrives and Rev hits lvl 80 then i'll be able to test what method is working for me, how my dps is doing and what sort of threat im pulling.

Look back for Tanking instances soon :)


Sunday 8 March 2009

Ahh Wrath!

Well been a hell of a long time since ive posted here, so here we are, wrath is out, my hunter took leveling priority over Revver, which has helped me out alot, i know what quests to do, what to avoid and what areas to cover.

Regnak is now waiting for Naxx runs and Heroics, so my time now is split between Rev and Ado, my Shaman, i love leveling them both but i think Rev will take it to 80 first ;)

More to come later.