Sunday 26 April 2009

Duel Spec

Right so duel spec, 1,000 gold, worth every silver!! Ive gone resto and tank, 2 specs, 2 sets of glpyhs, and 2 sets of gear! Zero bag space but my goodness its awesome! I can switch in and out at only a cost of mana! Just fantastic and one of the best mechanics that blizz has implimented, already hybrid classes like the druid and paladins are on LFG with either tank and healer boxes ticked, also with the tank talents i can slot into dps roles easy too. Brilliant!

Well ive got my first massive healing role tonight, Naxx 10 guild run, i just hope i dont mess it up! :( i managed to heal through one of the hardest heroics, for a healing role that is, Violet Hold, no deaths, no wipes and a rogue on a power mission but i did it.

Unfortunatly my gear is quiet arse but working on my healing gear and any tanky stuff that drops if no-one wants il nab! hehe

Il do a Naxx Healing blog when i get the time.

Monday 20 April 2009

3.1 and some big changes.

So with Patch 3.1 came some big changes, one huge one is the duel talent spec! Now this is great (except for the cost!) It will allow me to tank (yay) and heal (yay!) having collected a great few items from heroics/normals my healz gear is huge now! At the momment i cant afford the duel talent spec so im going resto for abit until i can.

This way i can collect items/badges/cash towards outfitiing in a decent bear suit! Bear tanking is ridiculously hard at the moment, nobody in the game decides to use Crowd Control anymore meaning multi mob tanking, something druids have always been bad at, and unless i get better gear, so my swipe hits harder and i can retain aggro on all the mobs, then il go resto baby!

Looking forward to it now.
